[TIPS] Easy Way to Evolve Eevee in Pokemon Go

Hi guys.
If we talk about Pokemon Go it will never endless, doesn't it? From all sorts of tips and tricks, Pokemon locations and much more.

This time I want to try to share powerful tricks for you guys who are enjoy playing Pokemon GO as trainne. Okay. no need to wait any longer, just get started.

This powerful trick works only for the evolution of the Pokemon named Eevee to select what evolution we want from that Pokemon, because normally we will get a Random evolution. And don't worry, this doesn't affect your ID or your character

This trick seems deliberately or even player don't know it yet because the evolution of Eevee is associated with the anime, eegeaster that was deliberately made by Niantic.
Please check out the trick below.

Do you still remember with brothers of Eevee in the anime? If you guys are a big fan of Pokemon, then surely you will know because this monster has brothers very much...!!

They all have special names such as Rainer, Pryo, Sparky. And if they then evolve each of their names will be like Vaporeon, Jolteon, and Flareon.

Then, what is the relationship between their names when before and after evolve? Ok, Calm Down... :)
If you rename your Eevee names with the name that have been mentioned above as Rainer, Pyro or Sparky, then your Eevee will grow and evolved into evolution that you want. This Is the Eeveelution...!!

If sorted, then the name of the before and after of the Eevee evolution will be as below:
Sparky = Jolteon
Rainer = Vaporeon
Pyro = Flareon

I often try out the ways each time doing a Eevee evolution and proven to really work!! So don't hesitate to try this trick, ok?

Good luck and happy hunting for Pokemon. Don't forget to keep your safety when playing Pokemon Go. ;)

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